Mondays with the Mayor

August 8, 2022: Show topics this week included infrastructure updates on the Paradise Canyon paving project and proposed plans for a disc golf course in the Eagle Creek area. Upcoming events discussed included the August 13-14, 2022, First Annual Sierra Blanca Pow Wow at the Ruidoso Convention Center and Downshift Brewing Company’s Midtown Oktoberfest on September 24, 2022, featuring stein-hoisting contests, German food, live music, and more. Local Musician/Promotor, Jhett Black joined the show to promote a September singer-songwriter night at Sacred Grounds, and Ruidoso Police Chief Chavez was in the studio with back-to-school traffic safety tips and safety precautions for the annual Aspen Fest parade and Festival on October 1-2, 2022.

Mayor Lynn Crawford

Host: 1490 KRUI Conversations with the Mayor radio podcast.


Mountain Air: Hank Hargis


Let’s Talk Music: Pat Duran